Sunday, August 27, 2006

CAN - Rick and Dick Hoyt

I can only imagine. - Mercy Me.

This video brought me and I believe, many others to tears as it was shown during last service.

To the tune of Mercy Me's I can only imagine, this shows the father-son team that competes in marathons, trialathons, etc. What's special about this is that the son, Rick, was born with his umbilical cord around his neck, cutting off oxygen from his body and he lost the use of his limbs. Doctors proclaimed him a vegetable but he showed signs of intelligence and a love for sport.

Be touched by his father's love for him and even the remarkable love of Our Father.
This is one video you HAVE to watch.

To read more about them,

All my friends running today in the AHM and Sheares run, run for Jesus... you have been a great inspiration to me as well!