Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Truth or care?

We still want it all and we want it now, but, above all, we want it to mean something. - Textile View Issue 67

Getting used to school, being a lecturer and having to guide students who are not much older than me, some older aye... I do like this job, time in the classrooms really pass fast, and I can experience the thrill of having ultraly motivated students who listen to everything I say and do all their homework. It's wonderful.

Was browsing through this really expensive magazine - which is an essential for every fashion designer actually, a sort of trend forecasting book. As a student, I could only get hold of it during studio classes for like a minimum of 15 minutes. Now, I can carry it around. Hehe. I realised today that I'm really blessed to be in such a position of influence at such a young age. I still feel young, inadequate to carry out the job and its title. Part of me still wants to be a student - after all, most of the 'yoofs' my age are still studying, somewhere. But I do get immense satisfaction from inspiring the students in my class - perhaps I'm too intense too. Told Sheepy yesterday I'm going to be demanding-in-class, but lenient when marking. Planning syllabus is still alien to me, and I'm left to my own expertise. I can manage, for now.

So, the magazine had a really interesting and short article which set me thinking and I felt the subject matter was interesting - more of a sociology topic than any other. In large typeface :

"ETHICS...WHO CARES? The subject of ethics is massively open to personal interpretation and a hot and very current debate..."

Goes on to say "Truth or care?" Which is a pun on the popular slogan that I quite like. (Both the pun, and the slogan, I mean.) The article asked some insightful questions about 'yoof' culture and that they, are looking for a new sense of intergrity - being truthful to their own values and belief systems, whatever that might be.

Well, aren't we all like that, too.

They are also starting to question the ethics of the way they live their own lives. High time! Been wondering whether a person who is without God feels guilty when he - makes love, without the context of marriage...And then whether he should feel guilty now when he is saved. People are selfish, some are immature, some try their best to be perfect. Anyhow, all these nitty gritty stuff doesn't matter when put into the perspective of how big God is and how wide His grace. Maybe I'm the only one who wants to make a positive difference, or can see how it can be done. Through prayer, we seek His direction. Isn't that enough for those who don't want to make a mess out of their lives? Though I can't say for sure that I've 'been there, done that' - even though I look like I have, I do try to empathise.

And tell the truth.

Because I care. I care for those who hurt themselves, who hurt others because of their own ignorance. For those who choose to be apathetic - I don't bother. But for those who are seeking a purpose, and are sincere, I will care. And tell the truth.