How, an ice cream seller provokes deep thoughts today.
Walked out of The Office today with only one namecard left in my namecard holder. I usually put about 10 and slowly give it away. Today, I wondered who I could meet along the road on the way to Gym. Felt peckish so I unexpectedly stopped at an ice cream seller's cart near The Office. Walked down the River road so many, many times, never noticed him. He looked happy to see me as I pondered over what flavor to choose from. I sort of felt pity for him so I engaged him in small talk. Asked him where he came from and why did he choose to sell ice cream here.
He replied in a lisping voice - because he has lost his front teeth - that he was formerly a chef at BlackAngus and later started his own food biz but it failed due to the bird flu. He did not speak in a tone of resignation or blaming this party or that person - the way many, many people have spoken to me, when it comes to their biz ventures. He seemed content, truly joyful although many would pity him as a useless, uneducated person who could do nothing to contribute to Society. I realised today that despite some people having so much money, and he, a meagre sum, his happiness made him richer than most people in the corporate sector. Even talking to him I felt so touched by his enthusiasm for life. He gave me two wafers for free, even though I already had the bread and a cup of ice cream.
I gave him my last namecard, briefly telling him what I do. He seemed genuinely happy to receive it, that someone would give him a namecard even. He replied happily, "My name is Daniel! It's found in the Bible!" I gave a half-smile and said, my name, it also comes from the Bible. We told each other where our churches were.
As I was leaving he waved happily and said, "Bye! Jesus loves you!" I caught his words before I put on my headphones and went on my way.
Sitting by the River, eating the yam ice cream, I suddenly felt an irresistable urge to cry.
Isn't it amazing that I was hoping to bless someone today. Instead, God used him to bless me and touch my life, unexpectedly.
Later, went to the Gym. Haven't been there for months. Really months! I prayed a little prayer that if I were to see Batman, I would definitely ask him. And... I saw Batman. At first could not remember his face (or body, haha!) but I guess his remembrance of me gave him away. So, before I left, I finally got to know his name (and age, and where he lives) Another Gym buddy, another nice friend. Batman!