Friday, December 29, 2006

10 good advice

'The problem is not that there are problems... The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem'
-Theodore Rubin.

In spoof of BBC's 100 things you never knew since this year (The egg came first, plus 99 more facts from this year's news)

Well I leave you with some good advice for what I've learnt this year!!!

1. Invest in a good, lightweight, portable umbrella. Don't buy long umbrellas unless you want to leave it at someone's house or office... (Inevitably happens!)

2. The phone/camera/laptop/pda/mp3 player... you like will definitely have a new edition 2-6 months from the time you buy it. So either bide your time or just get it and not regret, lah...

3. If someone asks you what you think, tell them honestly what you think. Instead of jeopardizing the relationship, in time they will appreciate it. And if they don't, it shows that they are not worth keeping, in time. But, only if they really sincerely ask you about it!

4. Always invest in a good haircut. Makes a world of difference from looking unkempt/aunty/old to upper class and chic. Those who have been to Henry's at Fingerworks know what I mean...

5. Sms your friends/partners once in a while to let them know you care...and always make time to catch up over coffee, no matter how many silly excuses you have. Because, when you really need them, they will be there for you too.

6. Lend people money they have no means of returning, and you have no need of in the current. Think about it... This is really blessing the poor, the hungry, the full timers etc. I did this twice this year and really feel good!

7. Donate blood. Can save people's lives and you will think that it can get rid of your toxins you have stored up over the years. Free somemore.

8. Never stop learning new things. Even when you are surfing the net or doing some mundane stuff, you can always learn about, say, Tourette's Syndrome, instead of browsing blogs and getting all worked up over WSM (it's overly hot, don't you think?) and raging about the GST, the govt, and whatnot. Precisely if you can't be bothered about voicing your opinions where it matters, why let it affect yourself in such a way. Ditto for all anti-XX or anti-something, go improve your brain with some useful information found online.

9. Take up a hobby and involve loved ones or friends. For me I like to shop alone (cuz I don't enjoy shopping and really browse fast to get what I want) but I find it really nice to have an exercise buddy, walking partner, or someone to play sylvanian families with me.

10. Write more. Writing's an art we've learnt that has sadly been lost. I try to write - even penning down my schedules though I have a pda. There's nothing like journalling down thoughts or writing pass it on notes - something that has almost but disappeared. Bring back the pencils and paper! Scribbling, and doodling also counts.

So far so good...Have a good day!