Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Another 'curse' of the highly intelligent.


One of Spiritedly's theories is that highly intelligent people don't need to sleep a lot, that is why, more hours awake means they can read stuff, watch tv and just expand their brain matter while they are not in dreamland...

Which means Spiritedly is not really highly intelligent because, eh, I need to sleep a lot. Hey my job is not just about drinking frappes at Starbucks and showing people photos of land, okay. It's tiring to talk all the time and walk from place to place. A full day gets me really exhausted. Yup. I sleep at least 8 hours to make up for it. Sleeping more makes you slimmer too. You don't eat as many meals and you don't get as hungry. (I don't think that correlates to highly intelligent people being slightly fatter, but hey, that's a thought worth socioeconomizing.)

Actually sometimes it's fun acting dumb. =) Sometimes, its fun when I'm not acting, too. See how many times Muffin can roll his eyes at me.


I believe in intentional oblivion.
It seems simpler sometimes not to keep asking God, "Why!?!" (Sometimes I ask God, "WTH!@#$$!%%!" heh heh) and be in the Doris Day mode. Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be, will be. So it will be.

In Singaporeanized terms. "WHY LIKE THIS? WHY LIKE THAT?" "LIKE THAT, LOR." With an air of nonchalance that the 'lor' permeated explains everything, neccesitates all semblances of questions to a minimal sense of being like the woody texture on a tree, or that newspapers are always sized newspaper size. Like that, lor.


If we keep questioning things, we will one day go crazy, or else find that our heads are consumed by thoughts that we no longer seem to be in this world.

But sometimes when feelings overwhelm you, it's good to keep questioning. Yes! Keep on doing it, in a godly manner of course. Contemplate why do we have such desires or strong emotions about certain people, certain places, certain situations. A well-thought out life is a better life.

And sometimes I think my thoughts are all written on my face. I think I show a look of guilt at times if people can read my mind. Heh. Not that I am a sexual deviant or something, I just think hilarious thoughts about people and situations and people being in situations sometimes, I just snigger to myself. Or laugh out loud, if I am in a generous mood.

But if we think about too much things, it makes us worrisome as well. Like what's the next step. Am I doing it right this time? What do I say next? And... I think, it somehow makes us lose our sense of self. It's far better to just relax and enjoy the simple things in Life, sometimes. Debates are for philosophers. Internal debates are for people with deep thoughts on their mind, like me. Haha!

I really want to ask God, how would I know whether a feeling is real, that it will last, and whether it's mutual or are we all just playing a game, showing a facade, refusing to let ourselves go because it seems the more mature and godly thing to do?

Some feelings last a long time but it seems the wiser choice to let it go.
Still, one can't help but wonder, 'what if'.

Life is too short to have too many 'what ifs' to contemplate. That way, we are not really living, only thinking. The story plays out in our minds, but it is a sad story if it does not beckon reality to envelop it.

So I wonder. And wait. And pray.


What the age needs is not a genius - it has had geniuses enough, but a martyr, who in order to teach men to obey would himself be obedient unto death. What the age needs is awakening. And therefore someday, not only my writings but my whole life, all the intriguing mystery of the machine will be studied and studied. I never forget how God helps me and it is therefore my last wish that everything may be to his honour.

– Søren Kierkegaard, 20 Nov 1847.