It's times of meeting kids like these that you feel your biological clock ticking and also want a strong husband to carry kids, bags, gifts and pram...
I know I'd get married one day, and I have some ideas of my own. I guess the problem with such big church weddings is that part of the romantic atmosphere is gone with some feeling more like seminars than weddings -which is supposed to be a joyous occasion for most. I want to be able to talk to people who are at my wedding, to greet the relatives and to give all my friends hugs and ask them about their cute babies. A reminder to me not to invite too many people, keep it simple and meaningful.
Sometimes I am kinda impatient when God tells me 'wait', especially in this area. It's the area of my life in which I pray about the most actually, when it boils down to the most important decision that you can ever make: the decision to be with someone, forever. For me, it is different - not like the usual fairytale everyone dreams of, someone dropping from the sky and 'happily ever after' - I've been praying for my husband since I was a kid (I was gawkily tall, tallest girl in my kinder class... so I fervently prayed, 'God please make my husband taller than me') I turned out o be above-average tall, not supermodel tall, so...whew!
So you could say that I pray about this area a lot. Heh...
Sometimes, I wanna hurry God along. Sometimes I feel like telling TBO, hey, I am the mother of your future kids.(haha! that's an exaggeration)...Or, TBO, you are getting old le... LOL! Other times I fear he will like someone else, which actually he always has someone or the other in mind, I think... or he has some celibate thinking, or he will laugh in my face when er, he realises God has promised this inferior quality product for him. (Maybe he needs to be more specific in his prayers. I AM trying to be a good woman.) Ever since I have surrendered all to God, it has been a few tough months of waiting, praying, waiting, praying... I nicely asked God what can I, you know, DO for the clueless chap... and God said, ..."LISTEN." Not that my listening comprehension is bad, but the chap doesn't speak much, or he cleverly diverts the conversation to me, knowing I can yak for hours. Listening to my TBO seems the hardest thing to do. He also doesn't respond with any yaks when I command him to talk to me. Just a peaceful silence? Oh, xxx! Just kill me...
I know others have prayed and waited longer but to me it seems ages. Worst, he doesn't believe in THE BEST ONE!!! *laments*
So, I don't think he will take too kindly to a old friend (me, lah) if she tells him 'you are my TBO', expecting an acceptance ('You are my TBO too' *swoon* *kiss*) but in reality regarded with a perplexed expression from him, and more unbearable silence. Plus I have a rather big ego and do not wish to be embarassed in front of my hero, so, I will try not to say stupid, stupid things which I have already said (too embarassing to mention) but I do thank all the prophetic and kindhearted people whom I have recently met, yet they say so many nice things to encourage us/him/me; whom I will definitely invite to my wedding, if I do get married... ...
I think I'm the only lady who knows I will 'accept' (Yes, I do. God say so. Who am I to say no?) before anything even started, anyways not so many people are blessed/cursed to know about their TBO since they were young...(okay, blessed, I was joking... God? You still there?)
John Bevere (I like that man!) in 'The Fear of the Lord' (currently reading) says we should not treat God as our 'Sugar Daddy in the sky' ! Haha! But true, what God Daddy promised us, we need to treasure, and continually believe it's for the best.
I shall continue to wait in anticipation. I shall not suffocate TBO with my effusive anticipation...