Thursday, March 10, 2005
It's been a rather horrendous week for me. I've been so sick I couldn't even sit down for more than half and hour, there was one time I kept retching violently Dad sent me to a 2nd Doc and I got another jab (The first one for my fever). I'm having rashes on my palms and soles and everywhere else seems in need of a scratch too. I'm hungering for solid food, have a craving now for the 7-eleven mashed potato and various fruit juices. Still get tired quite easily but I can't sleep anymore... I hope tomorrow I'd be better. Still doubtful if I can go to service. Getting bored from sitting down and slacking, but my body's so weak I cannot do anything much. Started to exercise a little, felt better. After the nightmarish week it's better now. Hope I'm on the speedy road to full health.