Alritey, went to Tangs after werk to submit the contest ideas. Met Izac for a while, thought it sweet for him to want to come down to meet me inspite of his exams. I guess for me, time spent with close ones are really meaningful, even though most of the times I don't make the effort to.
Currently doing a small spring clean in my room, been neglecting it... The last time I sorted out one cupboard it filled up a big red plastic bag full, so this time I've prepared 3 just in case. Saw something I've kept - think its 2 years now- it was an activity done during cell, I still remember it was an outing at Ya Kun, Far East Plaza, and we were discussing about BGR, or rather now, MWR. We first wrote down all our 'criteria', and then separated them into 'must haves' and 'preferences'. I've kept the rest of the cell members' sheets, so many years from now perhaps when they're going to get attached, I'll hand them the paper and see how much their perspectives, or tastes have changed. I guess for me as I get older, certain 'criteria' do not bear such an important significance, I would like to think that I'm less superficial and discriminatory. Then again, agreeing with what I wrote in the past signifies a certain constancy in my life, doesn't it? It's amazing to just wait and see what God will lead, in love, and in living... ...
So my criteria for 'future husband' when I was about 20:(It's amazing, there are so many!)(Typed without any changes)
Appearance: Tall, handsome, Not fairer than me(Oh very few are), looks mature, not small eyes, nice teeth.
Character: Bible-centred man. F.a.s.t. steady, disciplined, a confidant, suitable in small groups
Preferences: Not too hairy (haha! Its subjective aye) Eyes that can 'jiang hua'(speak). Talent in music and/or arts. Specs are cute. Introverted. Listener. Can sing well. Wavy hair. Likes jazz music. Adventourous, straightforward, supportive, sensitive to my needs, like to sms, a christian from TCC.
Others: Aged 1 to 3 years older but minus 2 to plus 6 also acceptable. Must support me in my mission calling(Tough one, that) ,Chinese, Not compulsory to be Singaporean. Other countries welcome.
Two years later, not much has changed...