Saturday, June 25, 2005

The ONE thing I ask

Finally, a campaign that makes sense.

It's promo video had been playing on my us-based free email host, and I thought it was another one of those dating/gaming/health ads, therefore I paid no heed to it. Only today - I turned on the sound, and was surprised to hear brad and co. promoting the ONE campaign to make poverty history: "we're not asking for your money, we're asking for your voice."

Basically it's a campaign to use 1% of the US budget to fund AIDS orphans, provide drinking water build a better, safer world. 1% of the US budget is 25 billion. Which is really a huge sum of money! ( I think this is the best campaign in the spate of recent campaign - events based on wearing wristbands to show one's cause.



Mr BestFriend's on a road trip somewhere, I should presume, along the west coast of US. Miss talking to him, one of the ways I can keep in touch with him is his photos - beautiful ones of the places he went to, captured in such artistic shots that they could be mistaken for that of a professionals'. Hope they're royalty-free 'cuz I took the liberty to use a few of his shots in my designs for work and church. His 'blurred image' would be on church-wide noticeboards later - going to paste them up, and there they'll stay for a month or so. I do hope he goes unrecognized though, would not want everyone to ask him peculiar stuff. Asked him to purchase some Victoria Secret's stuff for me - well I've never tried their stuff before so yes I guess I made the best of this opportunity. It's strange that I didn't feel embarassed or ... uncomfortable asking him; think our friendship is to that level of intimacy that overrides such feelings, that gives security in our communications and sense of self.

Can't wait for him to come back soon, although I'm sure, being as well-liked as he is, he won't have much time for me, being innundated with dates and appointments. And of course, he's still studying. It's so funny - reading a book on christian relationships - was discussing the book, one part that approves of 'marrying your best friend'. Well me and Sheepy disagreed on that. For me, I already have one best friend and I don't want my spouse to become another one. Also, I don't want to marry my this best friend... yuk yuk. Although he's intelligent, witty, handsome and holy, no! Definitely no-no. Hahaha. There's just this gross factor of falling in love with best friends, you know... to even imagine that it can happen (to me) is a crossing into a potentially dangerous territory of confusing emotions. Like and Love - platonic and non-p. The twain shall never meet, not at least for me. Well this book has sparked my interest in reading more into this genre - of which I've read painfully few. Never have been interested in books on this subject, previously... oh maybe I've always liked to rely on my experiences - of which combined, I could write a book also. Perhaps next step would be to read 'boundaries in dating'... I still have the notion that most relationship books are written based solely on the author's emotions and experiences - humpf- and all of them are male - why do women only/mostly write about prayer, or becoming a better, godlier woman... let's tell it like it is from a feminine point of view.

I'm sure me n Mr BestFriend will both make an effort to touch base more often now that he's going to come back. When one gets older, the lasting friendships become more important. Giffy will be gone too to serve the nation, hopefully the airforce, come next month. I've promised him a long awaited dinner treat when he gets over bmt. Has it been only two years that we've known each other? It seems so long - yet when I realise I haven't really seen him this year, I've almost forgot what he looks like, what it feels like to share chats... One by one, my friends leave for a short passage of time - I know that when they return, they will become stronger, and wiser for all the journeys they've acculumulated. So Ches, markos, come back soon for a visit, or perhaps I'll come and visit you when I've saved enough. There's an interesting British Airways ad along the mrt underpass that makes the passerby imagine they are walking thru a London subway - and advertises flights there at less than 1k. Quite appealing, I will consider...

The mind is strange. It changes quickly, yet remains constant. Trigger events of certain ideologies I hold close to, make me spill out memories of yesteryears. Perhaps, these issues still needs to be dealt with. Maybe, they are only harboring my thoughts for that millisecond of time - like a tinge of taste on the tongue... - then, no more.

First week of work - I'm tired, body is still not able to going to bed at 10, 11 pm and I toss around for ages. I'm a 3AM person. Tossing around makes my mind perturbed, the loss of sleep is the least of my concerns - being alone with nothing to do makes my thinking-mode go into overdrive and I'm overwhelmed with being conscious of my thoughts of what is happening now, what is yet to be, what may or mayn't be... plagued with the possibilities of my life, I start to discuss details of conversations and actions with close friends. Thankfully we delve into a larger perspective as we critique and comprehend human behavior with a genuine focus on concern.

So, another transition for me. Can I expect more interesting events soon? =) Stay tuned, Rachel, for the best is yet to be.