Apart from thinking about things that are going to happen which hopefully will not, I've been busy learning html this week. For my cell's new website, been wanting to do this since last year but well, it's still not too late aye... Thankfully Giffy's been a great help too. I feel accomplished now, knowing how to add fancy photos, fonts, etc... the background's a nice chrome yellow. Meanwhile all through today I've been listening to this meaningful-sounding korean drama song by Boa. It's called 'Waiting'.
And, aptly this describes some days. Waiting to get home, waiting to meet someone, waiting for the bus... waiting!
Do I need to be more patient?
Shiner said, if you think it will happen, it will, so stop thinking about it...
In other words don't pre-empt stuff you don't want to see happening. Not convicted enough though, isn't that a form of escapism by refusing to think about things and then when it hits you right smack all over you can't think of what to do next.
Nothing(bad) is going to happen, he reassured me.
Aye nothing in the metaphysical sense of the meaning of the word. After, I just hope that I walk through with no hang ups. And also, not intentionally causing hurt to anyone.
And perhaps not being devastated at myself for the unacceptable things not done nor said, just lingering in the mind, waiting for an opportunity to present itself... ...
Things that can't be justified no matter which way you look at it.
If I love myself, do I have to let go of myself?
Maybe I don't love myself enough. After all, I'm still clinging on. Despite the hurt it takes to do that.