"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
- Ancient proverb, Chinese origin.
Learning to stay positive. Its trying, too many concerns boggling up, and issues where I felt was really bad mis-management in general that got many people uptight and frustrated, me included. Already emotionally drained since the past week, I really wondered how I survived this week without banging my head against the wall, literally, or wounding some unfortunate soul. Still must say that I cannot handle my feelings that well yet, perhaps I do not deem it as that important. Some of my sheep called my almost everyday to share their frustrations too. It's terribly hard to be encouraging when you don't feel too good yourself. Many times I wanted to tel them to get a grip on themselves, my issues are bigger, more serious, much more sensitive... It has really been tough on me, but on the other hand I'm glad that they chose to share with me their concerns, and that by listening, I can provide a positive influence on their lives.
Still, ministering angels are around to encourage me. The people I interacted with, shared unhesitatingly about what God is doing in their lives, even those whom I'm really not close with and have not interacted with before. They put a smile on my face by their sincere faith in God, and I believe this week I have been touched, by many. Won't forget the prayer on the escalator to the Esplanade; the sincere offer that I can call, anytime, I need to talk. The kind words and prayers, so many. I needed those. I'm so tired.