“Fear is never a reason to quit – it is only an excuse. The brave admit their fear and proceed anyway.” –Rev Larry Hodge.
Thank God for nice people.
For the cute colleague who always notices me and tries to give encouragement by smiling at me from a distance and telling me not to stare into space when I'm feeling down. In Chinese.
For forty-something uncles who like to tell me what happened in Singapore before I was born.
For friends of a celebrity I know(I know the friends, not the celeb) who tell me it's not easy to be friends of celebrities especially one as nice as him.
For meeting nice sincere people on the street who are willing to spend an hour with me in person.
For the impact of godly christians who are not afraid to tell everyone to depend on the strength of God.
For knowing positive people who tell me to look beyond the obvious, knowing God is in control.