Who I'm going to be, who I want to be, who I choose to be.
Type A people are always on the move.
Type A people have a strong sense of urgency.
Type A people often sit at the edge of their seats, literally.
Type A people check their watches more frequently.
Type A people are often obsessed with their work.
Type A people are extremely competitive.
Type A people want to get things done and they will do almost anything to accomplish their goals.
Type A people tend to become aggressive, impatient, and irritable are anyone or anything that interferes with their work.
Type A people are more likely to get heart disease.
Once they have the disease, they are more likely to diligently follow their doctors' orders. Therefore, they are also more likely to recover from the disease.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Not really. No. Sometimes. Not sure about that yet... ...
Thought about Pastor B's message about Rest and thought I might have 'symptoms' similar to his. Well, I took the online test... thinking that I was quite definitely Type A.
To my surprise...
The results: 67/100
You seem to be in the middle between the Type A and Type B personality. In this case, the middle ground is good. Your attitude to life is more of the "smell the roses" kind and you know how and when to relax. Nonetheless, you realize that picking up a challenge and competing a little bit for your place in the sun can add some spice to your life. The equilibrium is important, so don't let your hostile, aggressive, and competitive alter ego take over too often. Generally, you are easy to be around, and people tend to feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence. Yours is a very healthy attitude towards life.