Setting goals and building rapport.
Learnt about building rapport as a very important part of my job, so I practiced it on a call today. Tried to sound sympathetic to an acquaintance who just crashed his car.
I jokingly asked,
"Oh, you banged your car against a lamp-post?"
He seriously replied, "Yes. How did you know?"
Ummm. Well the good thing is that we agreed to meet for coffee next week.
And I was sleepy in the morning so I called one oikos that I met in the REAL Run, hoho. Met two that day. Amazingly he's coming on Saturday. I still can't believe it. I'm sure he will appear and that the message will speak to him. Sometimes it's just so easy to bring people to church. Especially now, if we all just bother to actually a-s-k. Setting goals is one area in my life that I'd have to work on, especially if I want to succeed and not waste the months and years away. Felt that somehow after the honors course I sort of lost my momentum, my vision, and direction, I have been wandering around for some time now. But I digress. Early this year I set a personal target for myself, to bring 12 oikos who are FTVs to Trinity this year. One for each month! From the start, I did well, brought 5 already since April, ... but after that I guess I lost the touch, or just the guts to ask people to come. And keep asking, and asking and asking! I've met and made friends with so many new people this year, I believe it is God's answer to my prayer for divine appointments, each time I go out.
I'm going to be a gym addict soon...It's fun to lift weights and stuff... I think I'm quite sadist... like to do to the extreme... push and push myself and then ache real bad the next day. The Counterpain muscle rub is really lousy... and such a strong scent...EukyBear is so much better! (Australian kids' cold rub which works for muscle aches and pain as well) I cycled too fast last friday, quads were aching till I couldn't even turn my legs while sleeping!!
Realised it's still cheaper to not get a membership even if say I go twice a week... Saw Batman again, was sort of hoping to see him, although I cringe when it comes to talking. My cell ladies were soooo encouraging though, it was so funny, everytime Batman walked by they would keep giggling and pointing, so reminiscent of oldskool days. Hope Batman doesn't get the wrong idea! Well, I do have my reservations after several bad experiences this year. I just hope that my actions would not be misrepresented. Batman! It's so funny... Well, I will pick up my guts and ask on friday. By chance.
It's a really good day today. Just like any other Tuesday.