Sunday, March 19, 2006

Just another name and number

Vision, values, volition.

Part of my job scope includes calling dozens of people every week. I do like to talk to strangers actually(when I'm in a happy mood and having a good hair day), so it's just part of a small challenge to get it rolling.

I always sign off my emails with the signature "Prayer Changes Things", below my name and contact details. The ones that do remark on it are few, but this week, there was one guy. Someone I cold called because I had his namecard through a third party source. He was just another name and number in my long, long list of people I was in contact with. Someone I barely spoke with for minutes. Yet through his remark on my email signature, he replied in few sentences. Asked me if I had believed in prayer and was I going through some things right now. I replied, yes I do believe and in fact I'm a cell leader. Yes I was going through some emotional issues but it's nothing major. He asked if TTC was affliated to my church, and through his simple sentences I could tell he was a Christian as well. He is semi retired, and from the voice I guessed about 40s.

Then the shocker came. He sms-ed me that he was on sleeping pills. From my knowledge I guessed he was an insominac and probably depressed to some extent. I asked if everything was alright.

He replied that his wife was having an affair with a Christian married man for 5 years now and his PI caught them making love in parks and public spots. He was terribly sad and angry. I asked what was he going to do about it, he said, file for divorce. I offered him some words but I couldn't really know how to response with God's words of encouragement in a time like this.

I was wondering how God could use me in my marketplace. That guy was just another name and number in my list. I guess unexpected things do happen. I hope I was of help.

During AP night on Wednesday God spoke to me so so much. I needed affirmation, I had some! It was so clear, the affirmations about what I was doing, that God is pleased and that He will use me to speak. Words, from bad to turnaround. Two days later, I was doing that. That guy was just another name and number in my list! The word 'turnaround' has been sticking like a sore thumb in my mind ever since last year. I'm glad the words God has spoken again and again. Also, He promised that this year is a year of double portion for me. I hope it will come soon. One thing I cannot understand yet is the word that this year, I will fight many wars, but God will give strength. What wars? I don't like wars. But perhaps for my case the wars will bring about peace and restoration. I'm glad God, that you are pleased with what I am doing so far.

And I'm praying for an answer to one thing that will bring me a lot of joy. He has no idea how much he has changed my life, my worldview. And now all I want is to see him again. I owe him a goodnight hug.