Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Level up!

Need some introspection again.

Physical Tank: Low. Although still look the same (I can't put on weight la) But I seem to have a general lack of energy and flexibility. I shall go to the gym soon... I really need to put in energy, get really tired after a day's work... Just want to jump into bed and be cuddled a bit... Ha...

Emotional Tank: Fluctuating to say the least... Day to day basis. Overall I would say I'm not contented at all, then again, how to be, when the recent spate of events have left me in doubt and worried to say the least? I've a lot of self-realisations recently but... is this perhaps a part of me that needs to mature still...

Mental Tank: Have been said to me that I'm very self-motivated. Actually I am, job-wise at least. Very happy and satisfied to reach the daily small targets that I have set, whether or not it would actually be lucrative in the long run still remains to be seen. I'm also happy with the people I've met, so many are so nice, approachable and friendly. Maybe I'm lucky but I tend to get really friendly people on the phone and on the street. Makes me even more motivated to share what I'm doing.

Spiritual Tank: Praying a lot for myself and my family these days, more than ever, sometimes it's so tiring that I pray and sleep and still wake up the next day with a frazzled look. I realise that I have not been really pursuing anything substantial lately, perhaps of the general lack of interest in topics... anyways I have been reading so much before, so ... I still think that I'm generally okay... just hanging in there by a thin rope.

Everyone needs more time and more money.
Why aren't we satisfied? =)