What is your definition of success?
Realised that so many people are talking about this topic. Even Church has a series on it. Success. Getting to mean so many things to so many people today.
Previously when I was young, Singaporeans' definition of success is the 5Cs. Cash, Credit Card, Car, Condo, Country Clubs. Many took up golf just because it defines your social status. I remember long luxurious holidays in Malaysia, soaking up the sun on beaches with white sands... Whether or not you can afford weekend golfing trips. How many cards you had - being approved by Amex was a big thing, and even bigger was a supp card (for us underaged then...)
Now the word success means so much more.
Cutie asked me two days ago : Am I a failure?
I replied emphatically, YES! But your definition of having failed determines your success. Read about so many people failing and failing and yet, they are respected. Because of their attitude towards failure. My Trainer, P.Gordon, says that he is not concerned for those who have not reached success yet. He is more concerned for those who have their successes too easily.
One of the few friends from college I keep in touch with is getting married this year. Minh was the top student of my year 2 class who scored top distinctions. But to the horror of most of us (and to the glee of some), she quit in second year to work for awhile. Not enough money to carry on her studies. After working for two years, she went back to school and graduated near the top. During her work stint, she met a nice guy and fell in love, and they are getting married. Minh has only worked a year. Same age as me, she is now saving hard for her wedding.
Tough life? I would think so. But Minh never complains, when others get their new clothes and comfy life so easy, and she has to work so hard and scrimp every penny for it. Her mother is a seamstress and her father sharpens scissors for a living. Yet she is the most positive, optimistic girl I've ever known. I remember the time when she volunteered to photostat some history notes for the whole class - a heavy stack of them. No one else would do the dirty deed. I helped her, it felt good to do something for people without being appreciated... And when times were hard, I encouraged her with kind words. She never thinks about herself, always helping others. I'm glad for the time I managed to be able to help her in some reports - an expertise I always had, now an asset for helping others. Getting married is no easy thing, especially when there are so many burdens on your mind. I wish her true happiness...
Success. I think that failure make you successful. Big Boss once said, someone should know (when they are successful), what made them successful. Otherwise they are not truly successful.
I wonder how many more failures are there for me? One thing I know for sure, no more failed relationships! haha.