Thursday, October 05, 2006


Food for thought. Read a quote attributed to Albert Eintstein:

There are two ways to live your life -one as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.

Cool. Hum I must be more balanced in my purchases. Buy more skincare and wellness products to even out my huge consumption of spiritedly stuff - obscure knickknacks that junk up my room, clothes, bag, small things... I have soooo many things to sell at the flea mart.

I wonder why women love shopping so much. I only shop when I have things to buy. Then again, the things on my list are so many that I can't possibly finish buying... well, I can, but it doesn't give me a sense of satisfaction anyways.

Was explaining IDENTITY to my girls the other day. Tried to draw it out - One's identity is shaped by the Ego, or ID as learnt in psychoanlysis with Freud and the big boys, which leads to your psyche - heart issues, better known as psychology. For me I feel personality and character is not one and the same, though in descriptive writing one would be hard pressed to use adjectives to bring out the differences. And, of course the all important outlook - appearance, what you choose to wear sort of determines your behavior. Really! Somehow the vibe created is not that simple especially if you are a complex creature, you will never ever find something to wear that is 100% YOU. Sure, I like asymetric, designer stuff with bold prints and grafitti style tees. But I also like fragile, white, almost transluscent flowy loose dresses and blouses as well as sharp, chic stuff. More importantly it has to have utility - who designed girls trousers without pockets is really... sigh. Why, the extra padding makes the hips look bigger? Now that I have short(er) hair I want to be more bold and daring. At least I don't look that unkempt now though I still don't comb my hair.

I think that one day I'd just be my own person. Finally find out the things I want to do, do them, make enough money to last a long,long time, and then go somewhere where the air is fresh, organic food is the norm, where I can eat bread and cheese all day without any hype about weight loss, unhealthy fads, or have the urge to go shopping daily just to beat the boredom.

Oh and I ordered my favorite chocolate eclairs for the BBQ. Yumyum.