Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I'm happy.

Met up with dear friends Travis and Shiner yesterday.
We shared about how life has been.

Actually, I was glad especially that I had met up with Shiner, because I thought our friendship would end. During the year, he showed an insouciant behavior which I judged and deemed unfit for any of my friends to have. But a kind soul reminded me that when Shiner showed this attitude-problem kind of behavior, it also means, that he has problems of his own that he is not able to express. Aghast at the way I had judged him, I apologized. And all was well! We shall be good buddies again.

Am touched, too, at encouragements I've received. These words mean a lot to me.

Cloner shared with me and affirmed that: when u give your all to Him, and wait upon Him, not expecting anything, but by just having faith that one day, He will provide… He will give you His BEST.

Amen to that.

And one pastor in The Church whom I knew, advised:

How do you be a 'member'? Easy. Just continue to serve, continue to be faithful, continue to honor God and the leaders above you. The only real difference is responsibility. Sometimes responsibility makes us grow and be diligent. But it would be a shame if the lack of responsibility makes us drift away.

Take care. Keep cell planting.

These are wise words from people of God who have gone through more than me.