Synopsis: This heartwarming true story is an American adaptation of a Japanese tale about a loyal dog named Hachiko. This very special friend would accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly his master departs one day, passes away and never returns to the station. Hachiko faithfully returns to the same spot at the station the very next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits, Hachiko touches the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the local people love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya station in Japan as a permanent reminder of his devotion and love.
After watching "10 Promises to my Dog" and "Say, Marimo", and spending time with our Gang's mascot, Scott, a Labrador, it seems like everyone has gotten in touch with their dog-lover side.
Mr A introduced the Japanese movie "10 promises to my dog" - I watched it during lunchtimes at The Office, and "Say, Marimo" was the touching 10 minute short film I introduced to him - we watched it 'together' - at the same time, both at home, on our respective computers.
And somehow sharing that 10 minutes before bedtime put a smile on my face. And I'm still smiling, like an idiot.
A and I gonna watch this show when it's out!