Monday, November 29, 2010

happy moments

This was THE picture on one scrapbook blog that made me endlessly fascinated by buttons on scrapbooking. I got a few buttons so all the next projects will have buttons, and more ribbons, and using my sister's stamps...lalala... the weekends seem shorter and less lonely. In fact, can't wait to go home after work and start on some new project... ...

I am really missing someone right now. I wish we can spend endless summer weekends together. While recalling those happy moments we shared, I remember the small little smile I would give him, a pouty little smile... and he would smile at me with glee, eyes wrinkling up into little joyful gleams, whereupon I would act disturbed... ...I did not learn to treasure those happy moments and I'm afraid they will be gone forever.

The small little worries I had during my relationship all seems so mundane and insipid now compared to the bleak future. I am always living in the present, but nowadays it seems that the recent past is a much better place to hide in. I am a better person, after all that has transpired. I know that I would be happier with - than without him in my life. After all, since the first time I met him, I knew. I knew... took an excruciatingly long 5 months for him to come to that realization too. And now... I just hope that...the love will be rekindled again.