Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Of babies, terrorists on boxing day and our inner poet

Recent happenings...
I got my 20th passport stamp for Malaysia. Means I'm more "pendatang asing" (in a positive connotation please) than any of my... Singaporean counterparts.
On Boxing Day around midnight, Ches and I met a 'terrorist'.
I never knew I could be a singing musical box to a baby.

Actually I think the words to my nursery rhyme tunes are all salah!!! (Or else it JUST doesn't make sense. IE Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder WHAT you are? I mean, it's a star right? I really pondered long moments on that...baffling. Anyways.)

And... well, it's splendid to spend Christmas in Melaka again.

I discovered Baby S looks a lot like... ME! (At the same age...)

At 8 months, she looks like me when I was one year old. Okay I look MORE like a boy but...I really feel she looks like the one year old me.
Here's a photo for comparison.

My arms and thighs are chunkier... but overall I'd say Baby S has the same 'skintone' as me, she is the exact SAME fair shade as me!!! Confirm chop chop. Means she will probably be as fair as me, grown-up, and the thick (red) lips too! Hee. She should go for some baby competition (like ME!) when she turns one because the super-fair, plump look is a sure winner in baby contests!

See, my arms looks like bamboo... and Baby S looks positively thin, compared to me!!!
Yes...I'm surrounded by baby contest prizes. Retro Pampers. Mom told me I got 4th prize out of 5 prizes given out and there were hundreds of babies who took part. So I'm confident Baby S can be a winner too!!!


I had an unexpected cheery meetup with Ches on boxing-night. He was always away for Christmas but thanks to J's due diligence, we managed to meet on the last night I was in Melaka.

To me it's awesome to have that kind of friendship we have, to sit in utter silence and read books together and go on long midnight car drives on long windy roads. Sounds boring to most but the serenity and the company goes a long way in keeping me sane. So after we disbanded from the group we went on a nice long car ride. Ches seems different in Melaka, a not so melancholy-and -serious version. He even cracked jokes, spouted poetry (!!!!!) and ran to open the car door for me! Buay tahan. Yes it's true! He suddenly said Larry King's words which was a poem written, something like a tribute for/to those wives left behind by dead husbands. In the car, he suddenly said... 'your tears build a staircase into heaven where we will meet again something something'... literally took my breath away... it's like totally unexpected coming from the serious Ches I've known all these years. I managed to find the entire poem when I got back yesterday. Hee.

And I thought I had already been driven to all parts of Melakatown but he somehow managed to bring me to some Taman I had never seen before and a place like botanic gardens, it had black-and-white colonial houses in huge grounds and presumbably lived-in by the ministers of state or some important person.

On our way back to Baby S's place, we had to U-turn at the junction where the traffic lights had a really long wait. The road was deserted as all the cars were waiting at the lights behind the u-turn...so it was only our one car. We can't believe what we saw next! In the MIDDLE of the road, a man was standing there, dressed all in black and carrying a BIG black bag and he was waving his arms at us... unheeded, we just drove on... but, he FLUNG himself in front of our bumper to stop us! I think at that moment it was just...sheer panic, you can't imagine our horror! Ches quickly locked the doors and the terrorist/drunk/madman wanted to try to open the doors... we reversed to where we had U-turned, and he just bounded towards us! Seeing a terrorist-looking man and the crazed look on his face, running towards you is NO JOKE... we both turned pale and quiet (or at least me) and waited along the side of the road until the cars at the traffic light were ready to go. We saw a few motorbikes being accosted by the man too, and he also flung himself at them, almost swerving one... We just waited for a car to drive parallel with us, in that sense both cars were protecting each other. Whew... I'm just thankful we were both okay because in my morbid mind I can just imagine the man flinging his bag, breaking the windows and 'Shards of glass and shrapnel of unknown matter were found in the victims phalanges' ala Bones style... he was really only inches from our faces and his crazed face still burns in my memory! I can still remember me blabbering 'What's he trying to do? What's he trying to do?' And Ches blabbering, 'Make sure the doors are all locked...wait for the cars...go together...GO TOGETHER!' in panic...

We are also blessed that night that Ches took his solid black SUV car out rather than the jangly, springy kelisa which I'm sure could not reverse in such a quick way and also the door could be easily pried open... so, yes, it was a scary incident, I hope a one-off thing.

If Tears Could Build A Stairway

Author: Unknown
If tears could build a stairway,
and memories a lane.
I would walk right up to Heaven
and bring you back again.

No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say "Goodbye".
You were gone before I knew it,
and only God knows why.

My heart still aches with sadness,
and secret tears still flow.
What it meant to love you -
No one can ever know.

But now I know you want me
to mourn for you no more;
To remember all the happy times
life still has much in store.

Since you'll never be forgotten,
I pledge to you today~
A hollowed place within my heart
is where you'll always stay.