Well, yesterday wasn't too bad. Although the morning was utterly unbearable, got some peace later on in the day. Dad says that it's a true fact HongKonger employers will always scold you lazy, stupid and/or incompetent, even though you are fast and efficient. I don't see the point in staying on or gritting my teeth. Went down to see the school's director - he offered me an attractive pay package plus healthy lifestyle, how could I refuse that? Anyways that was the job I had so so wanted, previously. A life of academia suits me fine and I could always use the spare time to engage myself in some useful activities, perhaps attending TCA classes or maintaining a tan, etc. Got the forms to apply to MOE and the school, so now all I have to do is to find my certs and get them done. Waiting today for the opportunity to give my termination letter to Manager, haha. She still scold and scold me today even when I ask her minor details which was necessary. I'm not going to stay and be a punching bag. Felt so much like just haughthily throwing the letter onto her desk but it would be so unlike me. I guess she knows too well the reason that I'm leaving. Put the low pay and long hours aside, it's because of her unreasonable and unfair treatment. I'm glad I no longer have to put up with it and I hope that time with dissolve all the unhappiness I've carried these days. It just makes me so tired that I want to isolate myself.
Thank God really for making a way out for me, it's not a choice for me really, more of like a 'no-choice' scenario. I think my advice for those who are gritting and bearing with things should be - that they should get out of it asap. No point in suffering for so long, to let things drag on... Just leave and find a better place, after all there are many better places around. Don't care what people think or say because in the end, it's your life, and make it a happy one.