Friday, May 04, 2007

Must love hawker food

Okay, have been inspired to write more. I do plan to publish a book someday, soon, so I shall set myself a goal this month to write at least every other day, or everyday. I've lots of things in my mind, so typing them out is also bringing a release in some sense, and comfort in other senses. =)

Been meeting and talking with really NICE people, some people whom I really value, and am enthralled by, and love their outlook on life that I'd like to keep around as friends, for a really long time. Huntley reminds me of MrBestFriend in the way he's so supportive, and you feel that it's not only you he supports, but practically everyone else around, and it comes so naturally for him that you want to be like him, or you like him - he's more than nice. More like, supernice. And in this world, you can't really find people like him nowadays - selfless enough to give so much time just to nurture someone else. I wish I could. I think I will, soon.

Have had some differences in thought about my last post - MrSheep and I was having a really animated conversation (He simply can't believe I'm an 80s kid - do I look that old?) Well, I learnt from him not only values of investing, of insuring, but also about (married) life. I think I'm really blessed in this essence that some of my friends take the time to educate me about 'what to expect when married'. But it's rather one-sided. All I hear about is how their wives spend too much on shoes, who does the housework (the wife, sadly) and how easy it is to be faithful to one person when you are right with God. So, I just brought it up to MrSheep that hey, I don't want a person liking me just because I suit certain aspects of his criteria (Next post, I've analysed it: The ME Factor. More on that later...) but he said that that SHOULD BE one of the most important things, when you fall in love, decide to chase, and decide to marry. Which reminds me of the question I posed earlier to Munchkin, and some of my cell members: To you, is LOVE a decision or a feeling? (Can only choose one.)

For MrSheep, one of his 'must haves' criterias is that his Madam Right "must love hawker food". I sincerely told him I don't fit into this category given my current obsession for japanese curry and whatnot. (Yesterday, I ate Haagen Daz for lunch.) Because he loves hawker food. It's a funny criteria, at least for most people, even if they do love it, they don't really consider it as a criteria. But as MrSheep puts it, he is marrying someone who will share his life with him. That true. Too true. For most Asians, I think things like this do matter a lot. For me it doesn't really, or maybe I have not realised it yet. I think I need someone who has dreams. It's always comforting to know that. And also likes small animals. Or at least doesn't mind me keeping them. I don't think of myself as an animal lover, but my family does feed a stray, and also we have kept different pets, even insects before. Once, I brought home an injured baby sparrow. It kept pecking my hands but I hid it in my skirt and brought it back. It died and I was heartbroken. Although I don't consider myself an animal lover, friends around me do think so. I'm not crazy enough to have like 10 cats as pets next time, but I will definitely have a small animal around. Next time when you are parents, please allow your children to keep animals. It helps them to be kind-hearted, and also possibly better parents. Even though I had asthma when I was young, my parents let me keep almost anything I wanted, except for dogs. But I know that I will be rich someday, and live on a big estate, with all the guard dogs I dogs are not on the list for now. Haha!

So maybe, after considering this, I should have some wacky criterias too. Can't think of any right now, it would be fun to see what we really like and want in life. I always thought that it would be nice to have someone who can write and write to me. Not out of obligation, but because of passion.

Kie and Grant have been analysing 'why Spiritedly likes High XX(a certain type) of Guys.' Noooo, where got. Maybe initially, this XX factor will attract me. It does now, more than ever, because of my work scope. But eventually, I think XXX factor is better, or, more appealing in the long run. Silly! As what someone (female married colleague) said to me before, High X or High XX or High XXX does not REALLY matter when it comes to marriage, because the couple will tend to become almost similar, and only in emergency situations, does one get up and become High X... it's true. Huntley said too that High XXX only applies, mainly to work and Spiritedly says, we shouldn't limit ourselves. Too often, we say, Oh, we are High XX and then, don't bother to change. I always thought it good to be able to switch around when the occasion calls for it. Not to put a limit on ourselves, but to know our weaknesses and capitalise on our strengths!

Let's get married soon, need someone to appreciate my nice hairless long legs and other stuff before it gets saggy and wrinkly...