In quietness and trust.
I like quiet guys
Because they can listen to me without interrupting.
Because then, I can talk more. And making them laugh always gives me joy, too.
I once had a friend, I'll never forget him. I'll never forget what he did for me.
He listened to me not talk - this was on the phone.
It was my finals and I was too stressed, I couldn't utter a single word.
He was probably playing games or something. Yet he listened to my unspoken stress.
Some things are better left unspoken.
It's amazing how peaceful I feel, not speaking much this weekend. Oh, I wanted to talk, but I just couldn't say much. Almost like travelling with myself, you don't get to talk much when you are traveling alone. I do enjoy it at times. Meatball wrote from Bali. He's doing all sorts of sports there. And mostly I think he doesn't speak much to people. I guess he likes this feeling as well.
Back to the cluttered world that gives me headaches and nightmares.
Sometimes when I don't really feel like speaking much, I wonder if you will be there, beside me, just understanding my need for peace and a little time spent meaningfully in silence. Maybe we talk so much that God doesn't speak anymore. Or we just neglect to listen at times. Have you heard the wind - God is in the wind, in the morning breeze, in the soft nightfall sounds. God is everywhere and He is waiting to speak to you, and me.