A lil pocket of time...
Meatball's in Bali (so near yet so far), Superman is dropping by here for a couple of days next week, and then again; two weeks later.PS Chua is coming back in July.
And Chester is back, yay!
When you know you won't get to see the person again for a long, long time later, such meetings take on more significance.
Like you just want to squeeze in a year's worth of life anecdotes into one night's session of chatting. Emails can never express your thoughts the way a phone call or face-to-face chat can.
Familiarity breeds contempt. It's true, when someone is always there, like your longsuffering wife, you fail to realise how important she is to you. Only when maybe, she falls sick, or goes away on a trip. Then you realise that all the nights you spent outside with your drinking buddies, you would gladly exchange for a night of just looking into each other's eyes with the deep comfort and understanding that, I know you, I love you, and I want it to be this way for the rest of my life.
It's hard to find that pocket of time in our cluttered world. That few hours of bliss, happy moments just spent in each other's presence. Maybe in our city life, it proves almost impossible to find. And all of us, walking so fast, looking but not seeing, never understanding other people, only caring about ourselves.
And maybe this busy city life has hurt us. So that we put up barriers, shape ourselves to be a little more mean to people, not wanting to show concern lest it gets misunderstood, pretending to be argumentative and irritating just because we are scared to show we care. So that's the way we live, talking about life, but not really sharing.
But deep inside all of us, we crave for that connection, the bonding that can only come about with wanting to understand ourselves, and others. Even if we have spent all our time and effort helping someone, only to see the person still remain the same, does it mean we stop, and never try again?
I treasure deep, sustainable relationships, something I don't allow just anyone to build with me. Maybe like you, I tend to put up barriers. Boundaries. But are they just an excuse for protecting our hearts?
Sometimes it requires heartbreak to realise your passion.
And I know that once - this moment in time is passed, we will never be able to get it back again. Maybe I'm sadist, already missing the time spent, when I can still spend it. Or more realistic, knowing that things will change, we will all grow up, move on, move away, change and be different, that I am being nostalgic now. I'll change too , I change too fast.
But I will remember you. Always!