A conversation last evening on the telephone.
We were talking about work, and life, when I said 'I miss you', not just missing the silhouette of the person, but the very essence of differentiation that the person brings to your life, the subtle nuances that angles life in a very different way. I miss the way Zero always brings a touch of romance and idealism into my everyday life. I am sentimental too, I just prefer to be a bit more easygoing, an European style... ... but I guess he understood too because he said 'I miss you too'. The conversation took off in another tangent, when...
Zero: (not-seriously) ...Forget about TBO, will you...consider me?
Me: OK.
Me: I need a diamond ring.
Zero: Give me a few years!
I have to say that I am very touched.
I think I am sending out too many love vibes this week. Better finish my story.