Spiritedly is dreaming up gingerbread men and heart shaped choux dipped in fudge.
Baked some organic cookies - oatbran and nuts yesterday. They still smell great... one of the perks of baking is that the smell lingers on in your dreams, if you happen not to change clothes. Haha!
Well I only have the mood for baking/creating stuff like chocolate fudgey marshmallows during Christmastime. Somehow, it's the season. But due to the china embargo on lots of products, I can't find most of the ingredients I need or prefer, thereby sticking to ready-made or organic products. Heck, I can't even find good chocolate to make the fudge... No fudge no fun.
I was working today with an acquaintance from The Church - he is in the same field as Zero - after the project, he shared to me over Mos iced milk tea, some parts about his life that made me feel...WOW, everyone has some sad event or story in their life, too. He is a handsome guy, model, and looks fresh-faced, like hardly anything difficult has gone his way. But he stopped schooling and signed on in the army to pay for his family's Hdb after his dad went bankrupt, and now, is approaching the 10th year of being a regular. He said that he had to pay 1K a month, every month... wow, I thought that if I had to face such turmoils and debts, it would definitely overwhelm me. He also paid for his younger brothers' education...
Sigh! What a man! Where can I find this kind of man!
He said that throughout his life, he had many 'opportunities' to be depressed, and this was one of them, but he pulled through eventually. I think that if I feel that I will ever slip into the danger mode of being depressed again, Signaler's story will actually help to shape my thinking.
Am grateful to have met him, meeting so many people in my work has helped me to shape my perspective on life. Sometimes, I meet people who are... @#$%!%... truly, the only want to use you to their own advantage, or are too...overbearing, or their scheming and conniving mentality just disappoints you.
But meeting people like Signaler always brightens me up. I think there is no clear answer to why some people turn out the way they do. Why some people remember the past with fear and bitterness, why others can seemingly forget and see the past as a happy experience, on the whole.
I guess along the way I've met so many people with such a positive attitude despite their shortcomings and unhappy experiences that I've learnt to be more magnanimous.
I think that there is no point to be upset, or angry at anyone for a prolonged period of time, no matter what they have done or how much hurt they have caused you. It's not easy to go through the tough times but I hope I can withstand it, and remain positive, when tougher times come.