Sunday, December 07, 2008

on doulos

Took it from the side of the mall

Jelly and I were catching up after his exams at vivocity this week. We found out that 'The Doulos', a christian ship, was port-of-call on Singapore for this (last) week.

Though when we discovered the was already closed for the day.
So we went to Vivocity again on Friday! To visit the ship.

Being from christian families we both had fond memories of this ship -it is a ship that sells christian books which were very valuable to some ports where books like these are not readily available. We had both visited the ship as kids, and as kids, you'd definitely be excited to go onboard a ship!

I was beaming mischievously... because my 'itchy hands' couldn't resist making a heart-shape. Haha! I copied this action from some Korean show... Chase away all his young girl fans with my itchy hands. For the record, I don't like younger too bad.

I was trying to look like Frosty

On the foyer of Vivocity...