Wednesday, April 08, 2009

some observations about life

Was out walking around in Gardens last week when I spotted this nice big Golden Retriever. Hee hee. It likes to take photos I think... or maybe I am just good with dogs.

My flower bloomed after the rain! I bought this small pot after filming at World Nursery.

Morning at Botanic Gardens. Really nice! Wasn't slacking, was waiting for my filming to start.

I wanted to choose a Capitaland mall location for one of my next filmings, so I went to their website to have a look – the CEO I know is now working for another place, so I clicked on their ‘board of directors’ panel, just to confirm.

While scanning through half-disinterestedly at their profiles, I realized one thing: that all of them had a minimal qualification of first –class honors degree. The rest had Masters’.  Which made me think a little because I had a conversation with Lilo over blueberry pancakes the other day and she wanted to study. As she knew that in SG it’s not easy to get into top management without a Masters’.

While eating the blueberry pancake, I imagine myself making it for Mr A... haha! Face by Marjorca Majolica. I have a bad habit of using one brand's complete makeup instead of here and there... anyways, it does suit me. 

I’m usually not so keen on encouraging people to study because I’m not the ‘tak che’ type… but I’ve always felt that if you can study, go ahead! Although I belong to the ‘first-class’ group I can’t say that it has opened a lot of doors for me. Which begs the question whether those on the board belong on the board in the first place because they are preternaturally intelligent, or just because their elite standing has made life easier for them? Or maybe there was a special first-class club that I have yet to join… (Or form one myself! I am inviting Clone’s husband and Penelope’s husband to be)

Just a random thought here. I actually hated studying. It was by the grace of God that my marks got moderated upwards – truly a miracle, have you ever heard of grades moderated upwards?

Still, I’m glad to have a degree qualification although I like to pretend I don’t. Although I’m not so sure now if I’d be like my parents who encouraged us kids to do whatever we felt like doing. On hindsight perhaps if my parents had the foresight to give me  some Chinese enrichment classes, I’d probably be a lawyer, or a doctor… ah, was never career-minded anyways.

My idea of life is to have a nice little house with a lake or a pond or at least some sort of water feature… and a tall, dark, handsome guy who is kind enough to drive me to the supermarket every few days. And a dog. And some kids in future.

But I don’t mind contributing my first-class ideas to a board if I get $8mil in bonus…

And speaking about tall, dark, handsome guys…

I was filming here with a Mediacorp Veteran. Maybe you will remember his role as Irin Gan's boyfriend in 'Growing Up'. Was quite enthused to act with someone with real acting skills.

Acted this love scene where I had to look into his eyes, smile sweetly/stupidly, and dance hand in hand around Botanic Gardens.


I was thinking about Mr A (otherwise no chemistry with Gary) when we were on camera. Thinking about Mr A does give me a misty glow, I hope... ... Can I say it like, 

'There wasn't a single day that I could stop thinking about you...' 
Although I will never admit it to Mr A, never, and, what if he turns out to be someone like Kie?

This veteran has nice hands for holding... ...