I was pleased this week to catch up with some girl friends I haven't caught up for quite a while. One lady who serves God faithfully, is always busy with ministry stuffs, we managed to meet up. I've always liked her company, but rarely have the chance to exchange ideas with her. She reminded me inadvertently to do my '101 things' resolution, something I said I would but haven't got round to doing it... and was deeply appreciative of my posted christmas card. It's friends like these we all like to have around.
And knowing that one of our mates was feeling in the doldrums, I was recruited along to make up a hamper of goodies that we knew would bless her heart. At that instance, I truly felt that we were not just friends, but - family. Truly, sisters in Christ. Ones you know you can share anything and it will be kept confidential and not blabbed out to the other party maliciously. Ones you knowwho have your best interest in mind, and asking 'how's your day' not for the sake of killing time but really, wanting to know.
After choosing the goodies, I wanted to pay for my share, but one sister just waived it off, knowing I'm currently jobless. I felt super touched at that gesture. Though it may be a small sum and I still can afford it, this act is truly a kind and sincere act from the heart. I cherish it! It saddens and astounds (or should the cynical me expect it?) that some people have spread false demeaning words about her.
Maybe it's a matter of opinion, surely, everyone is entitled to their opinion about other people... Myself included, I tend to dislike strongly some characters who rub me the wrong way, and don't mind telling others exactly what I think, too, in a sense I pride myself for being blase and unhypocritical... But the word that she was called, 'desperate', is honestly, mean, and uncalled for, and to probe, there is no supporting evidence to support this name-calling. Is there anything in her actions that warrant such an insinuation? From a neutral perspective, outsider point of view, I would say none of her actions describe that in the least.
We have our speculations on the perpetrator, and despite what may be her/his best intentions (I really cannot think of any), insulting someone does not do him/her any favors with anyone. Plus, even if what you say was supposed to be treated in strictest confidence, too bad, it's already out... So, it's either the case of the pot calling the kettle black(she is more desperate!!!), the person has some selfish agenda(tearing down people's reputation), or is just a tiresome-nature kind of person. Whatever the case, I do not want to speculate further. Hopefully this person will change her/his tune and his heart as well.
My favor tends to smile on those 'siwun' looking guys, wearing specs, mostly engineers somehow, clean cut and no loud colors, dependable guys. In fact, many of them are my lifetime friends and buddies. I tend to appreciate their straightforward view on life and their kind heart as a friend. But not all 'siwun' guys can be trusted.
I mentioned about 2 years back, one ex-auditor from XXXX co, whom I got acquainted as a biz contact, through a church friend. Not knowing him well, (he was about to marry her ex-classmate and cellmate) she thought the introduction would be beneficial for me. But I was taken for a ride, in a sense - he leveraged on my contacts, I found a contract staff for him, my friend, to work, and he did not pay her, eventually delaying a month's payment by 3 weeks'. This may be commonplace you might think in the biz world. I came to know of other people almost being cheated by him, or at the very least being made use of. His modus operandi: depending on his churchy links to link people to him, and his 'siwun' 'nature' to make people want to help him.
And this guy is now a leader in The Church, shocking isn't it? I can tell of more than one instance that some guys with skeletons in their closets or even psychological problems are made leaders, I just wonder how far they can go. Another 'siwun' guy in our midst, recently set tongues wagging with his insistence of asking a young girl out for dinners and communicating with her almost everyday. This might be hearsay and knowing the guy, it baffles me how he can do this, having just gotten attached to another 'siwun' girl. Some guys need to share their hearts with young girls? I can say that thankfully on the young girl's part, she is naturally hesitant and so far, have not gone out with him. BUT... for the guy's character, what light does it cast on him? These sms-es have made her feel harassed enough to share with one friend, thereby causing others to have a bad opinion of him. Does his girlfriend know? And... sorry to be skeptical, but I'm sure, it has happened or will happen to more than one girl. Knowing guys' nature all too well.
So hearing about these instances in the last few days, I really think that we should not think the best of everyone and share your secrets with them, getting labelled as 'desperate', or worse. And for girls who have been cheated or made use of by 'siwun' guys, hope you don't marry one such fellow... I'm glad that TheBoyfriend does not have the tendency to call young girls out for a chat, I should know, I've been meeting him every day... ... =)