Some days are good, some are bad, some are really bad.
I just want to say that today is a day of revelations and I'd try to describe it, as difficult as it is.
After doing some soul-searching these few weeks, I think I offer words of wisdom at times to grievanced souls, surprising the both of us with the depth of spirituality. I wish I had done more, but because of my personal turmoil, all I can offer are words and ears.
And I'm touched by the way people share about the ones they care/cared for. We like to show bravado, dismissing the tumult of emotions when we face some tough decision-making and growing through personal hardships. I once said 'you care much because you love much', although it was only on online chat, I hope the person knew that I knew how it felt to struggle with such decisions although I have had no experience doing so thus far.
Bad English aside, I hoped to convey that I understood not only the choices made but the 'struggling/wavering period' before making the decision.
And I said it again recently to a man who had fallen on hard times but found that he could love again, and getting hurt again seemed like the end of the world to him. How scary is it to trust someone again and to let your bleeding broken heart be mended, not knowing the outcome? He cared much, that's why he hurt so much. Isn't that so?
It takes courage for a man to cry in front of a girl. Not only the action, but the sheer honesty and willingness to take that step towards releasing the pain, the past, to hopefully let go of the past.
And I also found out the reason for my dreams. It's not often you have vivid dreams where it's so specific and you remember them for a long time. Although the dream might have a bad outcome it could also be a blessing in disguise and an affirmative word to the hearer.