Heh. Been reading books non-stop, it's a good way to spend a relaxing weekend, something that I don't mind indulging in when I'm not otherwise occupied.
Bought this book 'to knot or not', I couldn't resist the title, plus it's a bestseller at Trumpet Praise. It's a christian book with excerpts from women who are married less than 10 years, some advice... Well I wouldn't usually buy such books but patience is not one of my virtues and sometimes for me it's just too easy to be distracted... so setting some principles in place is much needed, for me...
Was sharing with Cherry yesterday about the conviction I had about TBO. I also almost forgot, thank God for the friends he placed around me to remind me. Well, after 'surrendering all' last year, I specifically prayed to God to show me, in a way that I knew I could be 100% convicted and, not doubt again, and God did answer in a box - 'cause I wanted him to answer in a box... yeah I'm blabbering but I have my conviction about TBO. I believe that there is the right one for my life - and because I believe in that God will speak to me in that way about that, just like God speaks to people in the way they expect him too... My new friend CJ also says that God will speak to people in the way God WANTS to...
The book writes:
Most of us are mature enough to realize that the man of our dreams takes somewhat of a different form when we look at real-life men. Search for the rest of your life to find a man who meets every one of your wishes, and I'd love to see who you come up with. I think the Lord would never provide that person (if he exists!) because His plan for us is always different - and better (whether or not we realize it) - than what we would choose for ourselves. But how are we to know?
Some guidelines that a 23-year old gave in the book for choosing the man to share her life:
-Make sure I am on God's intended path for my life. Am I choosing the path that best enables me to be more like the woman Christ calls me to be?
-If the path is right, then my heart is in a position to hear God's guidance.
-If in a relationship with a man whose desire is to be all God intends for him to be, the answer to, 'Could he be someone I could marry?' is yes.
-The deciding factor to the question, "Is he THE ONE for me?" becomes the decision itself.
I must pray more. Been quoting to many people, what P Dowdy said in bapod "Faith is the no-man's land between the revelation and the fulfilment of destiny." Gosh I hope I have enough faith!
And Archie also sent emails with encouraging thoughts, which I'd cut and paste here:
Psalm 118:24 NIV
Three of the biggest mistakes you can make are:
(1) Longing for yesterday. A lady wrote to a newspaper editor, 'Your paper is not as good as it used to be.' He replied, 'It never has been!' Learn from the past, but don't put a halo on it. The Bible says: (a) 'Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?" for it is not wise' (Ecc 7:10 NIV). (b) 'Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?' (Isa 43:18-19 NIV).
(2) Longing for the right somebody. It's better to want what you don't have than have what you don't want. The 'somebody blues' can cause you to finish up like the lady who said, 'I never knew what real happiness was until I married my husband; now it's too late!' Two dysfunctional people usually don't make one happy couple. When you're by yourself, at least you know who you're dealing with. God knows what you need better than you do, and 'No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly' (Ps 84:11). Instead of finding the right person, strive to become the right person!
(3) Longing for some future destination. It's a mistake to believe that when you arrive at a certain point you'll be happy; when you retire, take that trip or reach that goal. No, your happiest moments are along the way, not at the end of the trip. When it comes to living you can't improve on the Scripture 'This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it'
Some good advice for everyone.