Sunday, November 01, 2009

pet peeves

I read two great articles about cold/flu and H1N1 vaccine questions. I'm really thinking of getting a normal flu jab so this might be something worth reading, it might change your mind or just point you to some relevant questions from an established doctor's point of view!

Also, a great site for reading about how to update resumes, job advice etc... really relevant and useful information.

Well, I've recently found out my pet peeves, regarding co-workers (whomever I work with, in office or in my job or in...elsewhere). Almost ALL the time, we cannot choose who we have to contact, liase with or who's overseeing us... most of the time, it does not get to me. Or I choose not to think about it or not to complain. But now... I shall, I must!

1. 'Skivers'
Yes there is such a word. Some people who shirk off their duties, giving ELABORATED excuses on why they can't do it. They actually have the skill and time to do, they just don't want to and so give countless reasons why, some reasons are really creative and convincing, up till a certain point. Well usually it doesn't bother me until I have to give their lame, shoddy excuses on THEIR behalf. And usually, putting off work means you have to do it later and at a more urgent deadline too. So just do it, I say. I'm not a workaholic, I also surf my personal email, FB, and other interesting sites during my work hours as I'm allowed to. But I set myself work targets and at the end of the day, complete my tasks. Being the first to reach office too, I am the first to leave, it's fair this way. The Skivers may try to make you feel bad about it but unless they are groping for OT pay, then ask them to leave office with you too, if they can arrive as early as you do.

2. 'Uncles'
A branch-off from 'Skivers', they have too much time on their hands, are often found gathered at water-coolers, and chatting about the meeting they have just attended or the schedule or anything under the sun which is not really related to work, but they make it the all-important topic of the day. Not your nice kindly uncles, they are the ones that will grow into kopi-shop complainants, but for now are content to talk for hours about their opinion to whoever seems sympathetic or just happens to be at the water-cooler too. They usually entice the listener by a hesitant tone and 'Hey, I think ah... this and that... how about you?' and draws the hapless listener into a long, seemingly well-meaning but hopeless dialogue. Listening to them annoys the hard-working bunch who are 'less talk, more action' beings.

3. 'Interferers'
Their "advice" is highly annoying especially when you feel you have to explain to them your course of action (you don't have to, really, they will not understand it anyways) and they will just 'shoot' you, when you least expect it, with a KEY suggestion from their valued expertise and experience, and expect you to follow their instructions like a headless corpse. Sometimes bossy, sometimes they seem to really want to help you along the way, but you have to suck up your guts and bravely say 'no', after which they will slink away. Don't worry about hurting feelings, stick to what you know is right.They will manipulate you to feel you've done something wrong by ignoring their "advice". Work is work and end of the day, you have more positivity doing something not based on others' interfering. When advice is uncalled for, it's best to ignore.

4. 'Big Egos'
Usually men. When mistakes are made by them, they do not accept correction after countless times of others pointing it out, and even so, brushing it aside with 'oh, most people make the same mistake anyways'. May be skilled in some things, but the lack of positive learning spirit ensures he does not have the requisite skills in the others. Some make it big, and others wonder why. Of course, it's due to his smooth-talking slick efforts. (Yes life is unfair.) But time will tell if he lasts at the top. Just pray he isn't my boss. These types do take the credit for work done (others, not their own.)

Having met such creatures, I'd been of a emo-mood of late. But I shall use this positively to tackle the shark-infested waters... Also, after about 2 weeks of wallowing in the water, I realised, as all of do, at times, who's there to keep and who (in your life) you can throw away. I noticed one chinese girl who does work as hard as I do, and I have a pleasant working experience with her. In fact, I am kinder in my working terms with her too, and we had a nice sharing time, one which I will cherish.

Like me, she also chooses who to share with and who to learn from.