Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realized what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder if
We missed out on each other now. -Colbie Caillat.
Been listening to Colbie Caillat on, a social networking radio website where you can listen to other people's fave artists. Basically almost every song is there from the 70s onwards. Dad is addicted to the site.
As I grow older, I begin to look forward and really cherish the friends that I want to spend time with. It's a sad but true thing that some of our friends don't have time for us anymore. Inevitably, that's a part of growing up. So instead of otherwise spending my friday evening, I chose to spend it with Chestnut. It was the last day of his exams, so we just walked along the Singapore river and talked about life, love and God. I love talking to him because he provides an insight into life I can understand, and he has the faith too, like me. Chestnut's a really smart and handsome chap, and he's one of those lifetime friends, for me. It's funny because he said sheepishly that his mom keeps asking about me, how was I doing and stuff. Am I on the approved list? Like my parents, his mom leaves 'the decision' to him. Well, I'm the only friend that has come to visit him. Hee. I do like the mom. But I don't love the son... =)
He's going back on Monday and I shall visit him, soon. He makes me homesick for Melaka.
Melaka, miss you...
There are some places in the world that calls you, that has a magic about the place that you can't forget about, and you always wish to go there, in your heart. Chestnut's brother is working in KL and he says the angmohs there always prefer Melaka to KL. The inner angmoh in me agrees with them. Though shopping in KL is quite good, as shopping in any major city is, it gets all the same after a while. I'd rather shop in singapore than KL, HK or any other place. For me, Melaka is one of those places that somehow has the power to hold me, (Japan too!) and call me to come back, again, like the way an old flame has the power to make your heart beat faster (not for me though, maybe only for guys?) Perhaps I've meaningful growing-up experiences there that cannot make me forget my Melaka?
Old flame, I'm coming back, soon.