Synopsis: This heartwarming true story is an American adaptation of a Japanese tale about a loyal dog named Hachiko. This very special friend would accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly his master departs one day, passes away and never returns to the station. Hachiko faithfully returns to the same spot at the station the very next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits, Hachiko touches the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the local people love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya station in Japan as a permanent reminder of his devotion and love.
After watching "10 Promises to my Dog" and "Say, Marimo", and spending time with our Gang's mascot, Scott, a Labrador, it seems like everyone has gotten in touch with their dog-lover side.
Mr A introduced the Japanese movie "10 promises to my dog" - I watched it during lunchtimes at The Office, and "Say, Marimo" was the touching 10 minute short film I introduced to him - we watched it 'together' - at the same time, both at home, on our respective computers.
And somehow sharing that 10 minutes before bedtime put a smile on my face. And I'm still smiling, like an idiot.
A and I gonna watch this show when it's out!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hachiko: A Dog's Story - Official Movie Teaser Trailer
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Slob Evolution
A parody of the 'Dove Evolution', which shows that as long as you have a great ad concept, you can recreate it to amazingly good, or bad, effect. Something I watched again and again and still find it so interesting. Only 1 minute +.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Good Will Hunting : script of Beautifully Imperfect
This scene mirrors the advertisement "Beautifully Imperfect", about a lady talking about her dead husband at his funeral...
Everyone likes that - that ad seems to have the magical touch on different people from each generation, when it appears on TV people just seem to quieten down and stare at the screen.
But as you can see from this video, it's apparently ripped-off.
Still, good scripting works to touch people in every situation or country or race... so, I'm glad it was used creatively. I share some beliefs with Flow who once said that nowadays (in video production) nothing is ever original anymore. Not that we like 'cut-and-paste', but a TVC that is SO good deserves respect for it's creative usage of dialogue, no matter whether it's 100% original or not.
Note some profanities spouted by Matt Damon in the beginning.
My fave lines:
"It's wonderful stuff, you know. Little things like that. Those are the things that I miss the most. The little idiosyncrasies that only I know about. That's what made her my wife."
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
'today not going home'
forsaking the divine
'In our lives, we have many relationships, casual and sometimes intimate. But the most significant ones to the kingdom of God are 'divine relationships'. In every call, whether secular or ministerial, God sends divine relationships to help strengthen your walk with Him. We may have many casual relationships, but divine relationships are very few. They can usually be counted on one hand.'
I have always wondered why some people seem so religious yet not having the alive, vibrant, intense faith that I've always expected them to have. And to others, like myself, God is so real, it's just impossible to imagine living a day without Him.
Due to the number of public holidays happening recently, my thoughts inevitably fall to MrBestFriend. Where is he now, I wonder, as I walk the road from the bus interchange to the train. Does he remember me fondly, the way I do, or is it all hazy and unimportant, relegating to something insignificant, as he forges new relationships with other people. I don't really blame him for everything that has transgressed, they are not mistakes, they are miscalculations.
Most girls ask why, instead of just accepting things the way they are.
And I have many 'why' questions that are no longer relentless, but just nuanced with a sad tone, I'm sentimental that way. Was just thinking about how our brain works in this way while dialoging with Pastor's wife who is a psychologist.
I mentioned about 'regret', one of the topics which maybe one day I will film.
Like, all of us have regrets.
But is it ... emotionally healthy to 'not regret'?
Or, how much regret is healthy and how much regret becomes disabling... So is regretting good for our mental well-being, or not?
Which applies to other emotions like worry, anger, etc.
And which part of the brain stores all these? Haha. If we remove it, is it still stored in our hearts or subconcious (I believe it is) and what repercussions are there, for all of us to discover that one day, our thoughts come back to haunt us. Lol!
Anyways, miscalculations can be easily erased.
Monday, April 20, 2009
last night
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
All about dogs
If you've never owned a dog before, then the Bull Terrier is definitely not for you. These dogs are not a good match with inexperienced dog owners. In addition, if you are a shrinking violet instead of an assertive person, your Bull Terrier will sense this. He will quickly dominate you and rule your household.
Since Bull Terriers are such powerful animals, you will need to be sure your dog is thoroughly trained before he gets too big for you to control easily.
Pugs love food. They are happy to eat whatever you give them and will learn undignified tricks if you reward them with treats. You should make every effort to limit your Pug's food intake, since these dogs can suffer from knee problems, which grow worse if the dog is overweight.
If you want a dog breed that does not need much grooming, a Pug is ideal.
If you are an avid gardener, you will need to be sure you have a separate area where you can contain your dog, since most Golden Retrievers love to dig. While they are going through their puppy stage, they are also prone to chewing up shrubs.
Since Golden Retrievers are large dogs, you may want to consider the cost of food before buying your puppy. These dogs eat a lot.
The Collie enjoys living in the midst of an active family. This breed is not a good choice for apartment living, since it loves to spend time outside. A home with a large yard is ideal for the Collie breed.
Although the Collie is friendly and outgoing, this dog is protective of its family and takes its duties as a watchdog seriously. Your Collie will bark at intruders, whether they are people, cats, squirrels, or pieces of trash blowing around the yard.
The Collie can be quite headstrong and can get into quite a lot of mischief as a puppy. You should consider attending puppy obedience classes with your Collie, since it is easier to train a small puppy who hasn't developed bad habits than a sixty pound dog that has. Also, be sure to be firm with your puppy about staying on the floor if you do not want Collie hair on all of your furniture. Once you allow your dog on the furniture, he will feel that he has a right to be there any time you leave the room.
The Collie breed has very few health problems.
Collies are quite happy to pack away plenty of food. These dogs have a tendency to overeat, so it is best to give them three small meals a day. If your Collie develops a bulge around his middle, talk to your veterinarian about switching to a food that promotes weight loss.
Although a rough coated Collie has long hair, the Collie does not need extensive grooming. .
The Collie is an intelligent family dog. If you want a dog who will protect your family and will play with the kids, the Collie may just be the perfect pet for you.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
some observations about life
While scanning through half-disinterestedly at their profiles, I realized one thing: that all of them had a minimal qualification of first –class honors degree. The rest had Masters’. Which made me think a little because I had a conversation with Lilo over blueberry pancakes the other day and she wanted to study. As she knew that in SG it’s not easy to get into top management without a Masters’.
While eating the blueberry pancake, I imagine myself making it for Mr A... haha! Face by Marjorca Majolica. I have a bad habit of using one brand's complete makeup instead of here and there... anyways, it does suit me.
I’m usually not so keen on encouraging people to study because I’m not the ‘tak che’ type… but I’ve always felt that if you can study, go ahead! Although I belong to the ‘first-class’ group I can’t say that it has opened a lot of doors for me. Which begs the question whether those on the board belong on the board in the first place because they are preternaturally intelligent, or just because their elite standing has made life easier for them? Or maybe there was a special first-class club that I have yet to join… (Or form one myself! I am inviting Clone’s husband and Penelope’s husband to be)
Just a random thought here. I actually hated studying. It was by the grace of God that my marks got moderated upwards – truly a miracle, have you ever heard of grades moderated upwards?
Still, I’m glad to have a degree qualification although I like to pretend I don’t. Although I’m not so sure now if I’d be like my parents who encouraged us kids to do whatever we felt like doing. On hindsight perhaps if my parents had the foresight to give me some Chinese enrichment classes, I’d probably be a lawyer, or a doctor… ah, was never career-minded anyways.
My idea of life is to have a nice little house with a lake or a pond or at least some sort of water feature… and a tall, dark, handsome guy who is kind enough to drive me to the supermarket every few days. And a dog. And some kids in future.
But I don’t mind contributing my first-class ideas to a board if I get $8mil in bonus…
And speaking about tall, dark, handsome guys…
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
bunny is gone.
My rabbit, Skiiri, has passed.